REST, or Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style for designing networked applications. REST APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are APIs that adhere to the principles of REST.

REST, or Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style for designing networked applications. REST APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are APIs that adhere to the principles of REST.
RESTful APIs provide a set of guidelines for creating web services that are scalable, stateless, and easily maintainable. Here are some key characteristics and principles of REST APIs:
- Statelessness:
- One of the central principles of REST is statelessness. Each request from a client to a server must contain all the information needed to understand and process the request. The server should not store any information about the client’s state between requests. This enhances scalability and simplifies the architecture.
- Resources:
- REST APIs model resources as entities that can be identified by unique URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers). Resources can represent data objects, services, or entities in the application. For example, a RESTful API for a blogging platform might have resources for blog posts, users, and comments.
- HTTP Methods:
- RESTful APIs use standard HTTP methods to perform operations on resources. The most common HTTP methods used in RESTful APIs are:
- GET: Retrieve a resource.
- POST: Create a new resource.
- PUT or PATCH: Update an existing resource.
- DELETE: Remove a resource.
- RESTful APIs use standard HTTP methods to perform operations on resources. The most common HTTP methods used in RESTful APIs are:
- Representations:
- Resources in REST are represented in a specific format, typically JSON or XML. The client and server negotiate the representation of resources, allowing for flexibility in data formats.
- Uniform Interface:
- REST APIs maintain a uniform and consistent interface, promoting simplicity and ease of use. The uniform interface is achieved through standard conventions, including resource URIs, standard HTTP methods, and standardized media types.
- Stateless Communication:
- RESTful communication between clients and servers is stateless. Each request from a client to a server contains all the information needed for the server to fulfill the request. The server does not store information about the client’s state between requests.
- Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS):
- HATEOAS is a principle that suggests including hypermedia links in responses to guide the client through the application. By providing links to related resources, the client can discover and navigate the API dynamically.
- Scalability and Performance:
- RESTful architectures are designed to be scalable and performant. Stateless communication, caching mechanisms, and a focus on standard protocols contribute to efficient and scalable systems.
- Interoperability:
- REST APIs promote interoperability by using standard protocols like HTTP. This allows clients and servers developed in different languages or on different platforms to communicate effectively.
RESTful APIs have become the dominant design choice for web services due to their simplicity, scalability, and compatibility with the HTTP protocol. They are widely used in various applications, including web and mobile development.
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